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How To Stop Burping, What Causes Burps, And How to Prevent Them


How To Stop Burping, What Causes Burps, And How to Prevent Them

How To Stop Burping, What Causes Burps, And How to Prevent Them

Burping is one of the most common digestive problems. It is also known as regurgitation or belching. Learn more about its causes and treatment options here!

Burp: What is it?

It is the exit of air from the pharynx accompanied by the issuance of a loud sound

Is belching a normal or pathological phenomenon?

We swallow with each gulp from 8 to 32 ml of air, and when the stomach distends with air, it presses on the lower sphincter of the esophagus to expel the air and belching occurs.

The normal number of burping times is 30 times a day, and if it exceeds this number, burping is considered a pathological phenomenon, and in some cases, burping may reach 20 times a minute.

Why do I burp?

We will divide the causes of burping into two parts:

 Reasons related to the digestive system, representing 80 percent of cases, and reasons not related to the digestive system, representing 20 percent of cases.

Causes related to the digestive system:

 Gastroesophageal reflux disease or stomach problems that affect its motility, such as the irritable digestive system, of which IBS is a part.

As well as inflammation of the stomach wall due to helicobacter pylori or due to continuous and excess use of painkillers.

As well as some diseases such as diabetes and deficiency of thyroid hormone cause paralysis in the stomach muscles.

Causes not related to the digestive system:

The most important of which is nervous tension, as many people suffer from burping when stressed

Some people cannot regulate their breath while speaking, so they swallow a large amount of air, which causes burping

Also, people with some mental illnesses, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, burp.

What about the diagnosis of belching?

The first question we ask the patient is, are there symptoms associated with belching in the digestive system, such as symptoms of GERD, such as persistent acidity, burning in the chest and bitterness in the mouth, or the presence of symptoms of inflammation in the stomach such as nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

If we do not find symptoms related to the digestive system, we turn more to the psychological aspect of the behavioral aspect in regulating the breath during a speech.

What are the most important investigations?

It is important to ensure that the patient does not have danger signs such as high temperature, difficulty swallowing, weight loss, bloody vomiting, anal bleeding, or iron deficiency anemia.

The blood picture is one of the important tests to make sure that you do not have anemia and that belching is not a symptom of a serious disease.

An important examination is also testing for helicobacter pylori, as well as gastroscopy, especially in the case of symptoms in the digestive system that do not respond to treatment or the presence of signs of danger. We can also take a biopsy from the stomach during the endoscopy to test for helicobacter pylori either by histopathology or rapid urease test (CLO test).

One of the complementary tests is blood sugar and thyroid hormones.

How to stop burping?

If you treat the cause of burping it will disappear.

For example, if it is caused by esophageal reflux, we should treat the reflux or treat the cause of gastritis, such as helicobacter pylori, or stop the painkillers that cause gastritis.

But if the cause has nothing to do with the digestive system, such as stress, we recommend taking some sedatives to reduce stress and try to remove the causes of stress.

Top 6 tips to get rid of stress:

1-Exercise Frequently

Exercise reduces stress and encourages the release of endorphins, which are brain chemicals that have painkilling properties. Sleeping better because endorphins can help reduce stress.

2-Think about getting psychological counseling

By teaching you to learn to replace negative, distorted beliefs with good ones, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a strategy that has been shown to help reduce anxiety and tension.

3-Choosing calming foods

Several foods have been demonstrated to lessen anxiety. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are organic mood enhancers, are found in salmon. Magnesium, a mineral that helps control cortisol levels, is abundant in almonds.


You can acquire calmness by using a variety of meditation techniques to train your mind to concentrate on an idea, activity, or object.


This breathing exercise, meditation, and physical positions are all part of a mind-body routine. Stress, anxiety, and depression are all significantly lessened as a result. Additionally, yoga helps lower heart rate and blood pressure.

6-Master Time Management Techniques

Self-care is crucial for reducing stress. For many, this entails making the most of their time management abilities.

Knowing your deadlines, planning, setting goals, and avoiding procrastination are all ways to improve your time management abilities.

In the event of a problem during a speech.

That leads to swallowing air in large quantities, we recommend treatment by a speech therapist

There are also some exercises that reduce belching attacks, such as breathing from the abdomen by opening the mouth 8 times per minute and repeating it while sitting and sleeping.

5 tips to prevent Burping After Eating

Drink Water Before Eating.

Drinking water before eating helps prevent gas and bloating. If you eat too quickly, you may not have enough time to drink enough water before swallowing food.

Eat Slowly.

It’s also important to chew your food thoroughly. Chewing breaks down food into smaller pieces, so it takes longer to digest. This allows more time for your stomach to empty itself before you swallow.

Chew Food Well.

If you eat too quickly, you may not give your digestive system enough time to break down the food properly. Also, chewing helps you feel full faster, making you less likely to overeat.

Avoid Alcohol.

Drinking alcohol before meals can make burping worse because it slows digestion. In addition, drinking alcohol with spicy foods can cause indigestion.

Don't Smoke or Drink Coffee.

If you're looking for ways to stop burping, try not smoking or drinking coffee. Both of those habits can lead to digestive issues. Smoking can also cause acid reflux, while caffeine can trigger heartburn.


Burping is a daily and natural occurrence, but it may be a symptom of a disease if it exceeds the normal limit, and then the cause must be treated to stop burping. I hope I answered your questions and I will leave you with a subtitled video about the same topic.
