12 Reasons Whole Grains Benefit Your Health
Here is a summary of some benefits of wheat and other whole grains: 1. whole grains help with weight loss and aid in maintaining a healthy weight by contributing fiber, minerals, and vitamins.
2. They protect your health by fighting the inflammation that may cause chronic pain and other health conditions.
3. They can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic diseases.
4. Whole grains contain active ingredients that are beneficial to your overall sense of happiness and wellness. They have anti-inflammatory effects that can help aid your arthritis and other conditions.
5. Whole grains contribute to a healthy blood sugar level and a lower incidence of diabetes.
6. It can be hard to discern what's true and what's falsehood about the world of grains. One day, grains are praised as a healthy food for everyone to enjoy, and the next day, they are denigrated as the absolute worst thing you can eat. What's the truth?
Whole Grains: What are they?
Grains are the seeds of grassy plants known as cereals. Corn, rice, and wheat are some of the most common varieties.
Buckwheat, quinoa, and amaranth are examples of non-grass plant seeds that are considered whole grains.
Whole-grain kernels have three parts:
- Bran.
This is the outer skin. It contains fiber,
minerals, and antioxidants.
- Endosperm
The middle layer of the grain is mostly made up
of carbs.
-- Germ.
This inner layer has vitamins, minerals,
proteins, and plant compounds.
Grains can be ground into flour, then baked,
cooked, or cooked in an oven. The rule here is, if you can measure this
ingredient’s ‘wholeness’, then it
This part of the grain has been removed to make
a refined grain.
Though enriched, refined bread and grains have
added back their vitamins and minerals, they're still not as healthy or
nutritious as the whole versions.
Whole grain sources include:
- oatmeal
- popcorn
- millet
- quinoa
- rice
- The whole rye
- wild rice
- bulgur
- buckwheat
- freekeh
- barley
- sorghum
Products made from these foods are considered
whole grains. In addition, other products including bread, pasta, and breakfast
cereals, are foods that are considered whole grains.
If you want to consume healthy whole-grain
foods, read the list of ingredients, not just the front of the package.
Identifying whole grains.
Do you think that you can identify whole grains
by color? The whole procedure of identifying whole grains has become easy. At
least, that’s what experts said. The words "whole" or "whole
grain" should be seen on what you’re buying first before you start
Benefits of Eating Whole Grains
1. High in nutrients and fiber
Whole grains contain a large number of essential nutrients. Although fiber is the most important one of them, it contains also vitamins and minerals.
- The bran contains mainly fiber in whole grains.
-Vitamins B components, such as niacin, thiamine, and folate.
-Essential Minerals; zinc, iron, magnesium, and manganese.
- Proteins.
-Antioxidants are beneficial. Many of the compounds found in whole grains act as antioxidants. Phytic acid, lignans, ferulic acid, and sulfur compounds are examples of these.
- Compounds derived from plants. Whole grains contain a variety of plant compounds that aid in disease prevention. Polyphenols, stanols, and sterols are examples of these.
2. Lower bad cholesterol and heart disease
Whole grains help protect against bad cholesterol
and lower triglycerides, both of which contribute to heart disease. Women who
eat lots of whole grain products like wheat and other grains have a 30% lower
chance of having a heart attack compared to women who eat less than one serving
a week. Generally, whole-grain bread, cereals, and pasta are better than white
bread, muffins, and crackers. "Oatmeal and steel-cut oats pack a major
nutritional punch with high-fiber, complex carbohydrates, which boost
metabolism and help keep you slim," says Che
3. Don't forget to lower your risk of stroke
Whole grains may help lower stroke risk. In a
new analysis of 6 studies on nearly 250,000 people, the more whole grains
people eat the lower their risk of experiencing a stroke is.
A diet rich in whole grains can be a
stroke-free diet. Foods high in fiber, vitamin K, and antioxidants are a
stroke-friendly diet.
4. Reduce
your risk of obesity
Consuming fiber-rich foods such as beans,
fruit, and vegetables can help you maintain a healthy weight because they fill
you up but chewing also helps. This is one of the reasons why high-fiber diets
are popular.
Whole grains and snacking on them are explained
by an Eating Well Expert. According to an Eating Well Expert, eating whole
grains rather than refined grains may reduce the risk of obesity.
Eating three servings of whole grains per day
was linked to less sleep. People who ate more whole grains had a lower BMI and
less belly fat.
5. You can prevent type 2 diabetes
Eating whole grains, not refined grains, could
lower a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
A study of 16 published studies determined that
replacing refined grains with whole grains and consuming 2 servings of whole
grains daily could reduce your risk of diabetes. It is recommended that you
stick with whole grains.
It is thought that fiber, especially soluble
fiber, can contribute to weight loss and prevent obesity.
Although, studies also indicate that
whole-grain intake can lower fasting blood sugar levels and improve insulin
6. Support healthy digestion
Whole grains (like brown rice, oats, and wheat)
and legumes (like lentils and beans) have fewer calories than other food
groups, which makes them ideal for weight loss. Dietary fibre is part of fibre,
which is the part of carbohydrates that pass through the stomach unchanged and are
not digested and absorbed. Fibers have a prebiotic effect as it helps microbes
in the gut live in an unthreatening environment by providing food for the good
7. Prevention of cancer colon
Cancer of the colon takes third place among
the most diagnosed cancers in Canada in 2007. Despite the great number of
studies about the role of dietary fiber in the prevention of cancer, most
Canadians do not follow recommendations about this substance. We were curious
about whether the effect of the bacterial digestion of dietary fibers had
confirmed the importance of this substance in the prevention of cancer.
A report indicates that increased fibre
intake associated with cereal consumption is linked to a roughly 9% decrease in
the risk of colon cancer.
8. Inflammatory bowel disease
Inflammatory bowel disease means Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
colitis, and the main type of IBD is Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease can occur
in any portion of the gastrointestinal tract, whereas ulcerative colitis usually
occurs in the colon.
Excess consumption of sugar in the diet can
create inflammation in the colon. When 25 rats were fed high cholesterol and
sucrose diet with low levels of dietary fibre, the rats developed signs of
Crohn’s disease (an inflammation of the intestinal tract). However, when the
same rats were forced to eat more dietary fibre, inflammation of colonic mucosa was
reduced. The extra digestible dietary fibres within whole grains had a positive
impact on the gut.
Animal models indicated that dietary fibre has
the potential to ameliorate colonic damage in induced colitis. However, until
more clinical trials are completed, the consensus is that dietary fibre is not
effective to prevent ulcerative colitis.
9-Take a laxative before bed to prevent constipation.
Dietary fiber promotes the absorption of
water in the intestinal tract and facilitates the movement of stool. To prevent
and/or control constipation, one should increase their intake of dietary fiber.
Milk, bran, and certain cereals are
recommended to relieve constipation, but the reason for this laxative effect is
their capacity to form a gel that swells the colon.
Wheat bran increases the amount of feces by about 5.4 g for each gram of bran consumed. while whole oats increase the amount of feces by 3.4 g per gram of bran consumed.
10- Cure inflammation.
Inflammation is at the root of many chronic
A few studies suggest that eating whole grains
may reduce inflammation.
Women who ate the most whole grains were least
likely to get chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or
arthritis. Their diets were also associated with fewer bowel diseases like
Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis.
They’ve done the research, and adults with
unhealthy diets replaced refined wheat products— and whole wheat— with better options
and saw improvements in inflammatory markers. However, the study was short-term.
11- Live longer and healthy
"The average life expectancy in the U.S.
is projected to rise to 84.6, up from 81.5 in 2017, according to a new report
When chronic diseases are controlled, the risk
of premature death is also reduced.
The study found that people who consumed whole
grains as opposed to fortified bread, pasta, and other treats had lower
mortality rates.
The study used data from the literature and some of his published research and used these factors to adjust estimates.
12-Decreases risk for asthma
Eating whole grains while one is young may
reduce the likelihood of contracting asthma
Asthmatic children who followed a healthy diet,
which had fewer meat and refined foods, and more fruits, vegetables, and bread,
had fewer asthma attacks.
Frequently asked questions:
Whole grains and irritable bowel syndrome.
Although most plant foods contain both
insoluble and soluble fiber, some are high in only one type.
• Beans, fruits, and oat products are high in
soluble fiber.
• Whole grain products and vegetables are high
in insoluble fiber.
Most people with IBS should consume soluble
fiber. As a low-cost, effective treatment for IBS, the American College of
Gastroenterology (ACG) recommends soluble fiber supplements such as psyllium.
Insoluble fiber, such as wheat bran, on the
other hand, is said to aggravate abdominal pain and bloating.
Fiber intolerance differs from person to
person. Many foods high in insoluble fiber may cause symptoms such as gas,
bloating, or stomach cramps in people with IBS. While some people with IBS do
not have any issues with these foods, certain foods high in soluble fiber, such
as beans, can cause problems for those who have IBS.
As a result, diet and IBS are highly
personalized, and you now know exactly what to eat and drink. Certain
fiber-rich foods may cause you discomfort, while others may alleviate your
Instead of eating foods like this, try taking
soluble fiber supplements.
Is there any gold to white rice?
The husk, bran, and germ have been removed from
white rice. While this process increases the shelf life of the final product,
the nutrients and beneficial plant compounds found in the bran and germ are
lost during the process.
As a result, it has less fiber, protein,
antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals than brown rice.
Which whole grains are the healthiest?
Oat-bran packs are high in fiber and aid in the
release of bile, making them a healthy lifestyle choice. Shelled and cracked
barley is more digestible than whole barley, and lentils will give your formula
a healthy, creamy texture.
Fiber is classified into two types: soluble
fiber and insoluble fiber. When selecting a whole-grain cereal, choose one with
a moderate amount of soluble fiber. When selecting a whole grain to go with
yogurt, look for barley and other grains that are high in insoluble fiber.
Whole Grain vs. Refined/Processed Grain.
Whole grains are considered a healthy dietary
thing because they are packed with good nutrition. Whole grains help keep blood
pressure under control and prevent heart disease, even among professional nutritionists.
Refined grains are depleted of nutrition, making them unsuitable for optimal
health. They leave a person more susceptible to illness.
Whole grains and Celiac disease.
Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat,
barley, and rye that some people are intolerant to or allergic to.
Gluten allergies, celiac disease, and gluten
sensitivity can result in a variety of symptoms such as chronic diarrhea,
fatigue, indigestion, and joint pain.
Gluten-free whole grains such as buckwheat,
rice, oats, and amaranth are suitable for many people with these conditions.
How Can You Incorporate Whole Grains Into Your Meals?
There are several ways to add whole grains to your diet. Try adding them to breakfast cereals, bread, muffins, pasta, rice dishes, soups, salads, and stews. If you eat meat, try using whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta.
Whole Grain Cooking Tips
To make sure you’re getting enough fiber, choose whole-grain products whenever possible. You can also use whole grains as substitutes for refined grains. For instance, you can replace white flour with whole wheat flour in recipes.
Whole grains
have numerous health benefits compared with refined grains, so it's essential
to incorporate them into your diet.